October 17, 2008

We're having a baby!!!

We found out this morning (10.17)  that we're expecting! As I mentioned before, we got off the pill at the end of April. Since then, I've been charting and taking my temps (this might sound weird to some of you, but it helps determine ovulation). Month and month, we'd get negative results and I was getting worried we wouldn't be able to conceive. But God heard our prayers and he gave us the best anniversary gift ever. 

My temps were high this morning, and with no sign of my monthly gift from mother nature, I decided to test. Right away the first line came up and I thought it was a negative for sure. I continued to brush my teeth while hubby read the directions =] When I looked down, I saw a faint second line and hubby said he saw it too! I started shaking and decided to do a digital test to make sure! After only 20 seconds, it said "Pregnant!" 

I immediately started crying and we were jumping for joy in the bathroom. We can't believe we'll be parents soon but we are beyond excited! I can't wait to see our little peanut grow inside of me. Hubby can't believe he'll be a daddy! 

Our due date is 6/28/09. 
Keep checking in to find out the latest!

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